Mike Forte on the Issues

Mike Forte at Podium

Below are my positions on key issues facing Brunswick County:

Taxes: We need to keep property taxes as low as possible. Like many of you, I moved here in part because of the low tax bill compared to what I paid in New Jersey. We need to keep it that way. I'm proud that Brunswick County currently has the 5th lowest tax rate in North Carolina. When property values went up during last year's revaluation, we reduced our property tax rate from .485 to .342. This year, we maintained that rate, while lots of other neighboring jurisdictions, including many towns here in Brunswick County, raised taxes.

Education: Education has always been one of my passions. That's why I've served on the Brunswick Community College Foundation board for many years, including several as chair. It's also why I worked with Commissioner Randy Thompson to create the Brunswick Guarantee, a scholarship program that helps Brunswick County graduates attend Brunswick Community College at no cost.

Growth & Infrastructure: Brunswick County is a great place, and it's easy to understand why so many people want to move here. We're investing heavily in water and sewer infrastructure to accommodate our County's future growth. I also serve as a member of the Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization Transportation Advisory Committee and as an alternate on the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization board, where I advocate for NCDOT to prioritize and fund critical Brunswick County transportation priorities. I'm also advocating for reasonable, common-sense updates to our development ordinances.

Property Rights: Private property rights often get lost in the shuffle, but they are critical rights that we must protect as our county grows.